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Writer's pictureSarah Emily Lelonek

So, What is Kindle Unlimited?

My book releases Monday. While you can purchase a digital copy for $3.99 here and read on any device that supports the Amazon Kindle app, you can actually read my book for free.

For free? What is this madness? How will you make money if I can read for free?

Okay, so it's not totally free. You see, Amazon has this amazing program called Kindle Unlimited. For just $9.99 a month, about how much Netflix costs, you can read unlimited books and even listen to their audiobook counterparts. What's even better, is if you listen to a book on audiobook and then later open it on your Kindle app, the app syncs to where you had last stopped listening. Technology, man.

I'm new to KU. I've only had it for about two months, and I'm wondering how I survived without it. I'm reading three books at once, all of which I would have never found without filtering for KU books.

KU is so popular, even The Hunger Games are available for free with the subscription. So, you can find well-known authors as well as new up-and-comers like myself.

So, if you like reading and listening to audiobooks, I would definitely suggest subscribing. You can even get a free trail for 30 days here.

x Sarah Emily Lelonek

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