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Tips and Things Chapter 2 – Finding help on Facebook

So, as many of you know, I went into this self-publishing thing pretty blind. I knew some vague things, like I should publish on Amazon and I would definitely need an editor, but I didn’t know how to do it on my own.

That’s when I found some great Facebook groups. The first group I want to talk about is the 20Booksto50k group. This group’s main focus is to help writers become profitable in their craft. There are tons of documents to help with various topics, but the member themselves are the most helpful people I’ve come across.

It was here that I found a few designers and editors. I asked questions from “What is KDP?” to “How do I format for print publishing?” While I could find all this information out on the internet, I wanted information that worked. It’s hard to sift through everything out there. Also, these people are a great support network. They’ll never tell you to give up, but will instead help you through your problems.

Another great group is the Indie Cover Project. When I thought I could do my own cover art, I posted it in this group. They showed me the strengths and weaknesses in my design, and then helped me find a proper designer.

A great part of the Indie Cover Project is that you get to see a lot of different self-published author’s cover designs. You get to see what’s out there for your genre and help other authors make edit their designs.

I personally wouldn’t have been able to self-publish without these two groups along with my local NaNoWriMo group. I would suggest any writer join the NaNoWriMo group for their area for local support as well. My group is going to have a booth at Oddmall early next month. It’s great to have support from other local writers.

Remember, it’s not a sign of weakness to ask for help. It’s a sign that you want to succeed. Go forth and find groups that will support you and help you with all your issues. It can be motivational to see other writers do well, and you can always learn from their success.

Til next time!

Sarah Emily Lelonek

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