I've talked a lot about time management recently. I feel like I never have enough time to do everything I want to do. Maybe this is the reason I write about time travel. However, there are a few things I always make time to do besides my normal 9-to-5 and write. One of these things is take care of my physical health.
A while ago I worked at Gamestop. While this isn't the most physically demanding job, it kept me walking around eight hours a day, five to six days a week. In January of 2016, I got my "career" going, which meant an office job. I was stoked to not have to stand all day, but this also meant less physical activity. I went from 230 lbs to 280 lbs in about a year.
January 2017 I realized I couldn't go on being this weight. I wasn't sleeping, I was always sick, none of my clothing fit, I couldn't go up one flight of stairs without huffing and puffing, and I was just done.
I went from a sedentary life to working out six days a week. I went from eating about 3000 calories to eating between 1500-1700. I went from a size 22 to a size 16. I went from 280 lbs to 223.
I still have a lot left to lose before I reach my goals. I want to be a size 10 and weight around 150, like I was in high school.
Weight loss, in itself, is the hardest journey I've ever taken. I sometimes feel like I haven't lost anything at all. Some days I wake up and really just want to slam 10 tacos because I don't see the point. Some days I feel amazing and want to spend all day working out. Some days working out causes pain.
Weight loss is time consuming. I constantly think about what I should and should not eat. I'm constantly wondering if I work out enough, or eat enough protein, or eat too many carbs. It's all-consuming some days, and others I don't think about it at all.
The point of this post is this: we all have personal goals and we need to dedicate time to our personal goals in order to bring meaning to our lives. Without my goals, I'd just be another office worker, skating through life until unemployment. Instead, I have goals to better myself physically, to write, to learn languages, to travel. I think these goals bring my life meaning. I think people who help me with these goals are true friends.
At some point we all have to stop going with the flow and give our live meaning. What's the meaning of your life? What is something you want to do to better yourself?
Until next time,
Sarah Emily Lelonek