I'm trying my hardest to get the print release of That Time I Broke Time and the first edition of That Time My Future Disappeared out, but I've been running into some issues.
First, Kindle Direct Publishing hates me and my cover art. I've been trying to upload my cover to KDP for over a week now! My designer, bless her heart, has been working to get the size requirements correct. We're talking about four revisions so far. Not to mention the 100 different revisions of the inside content.. It's been pretty difficult.
I have been writing my sequel, and I do like what I have so far. I just feel like I'm pressuring myself for no reason to get this book out before it's ready. I do work full time, and do everything to do with my books on my own. It's a lot of work!
So that all being said, I'm going to be pushing back some of my release dates. While I still hope to have the print version of That Time I Broke Time out this month, I think That Time My Future Disappeared will have to wait until May. I need the time to make sure this novel is the best it can be.
As always, I'll keep you posted on my Twitter and Facebook. Feel free to sign up for my newsletter as well. When I get my second book out, I will be running a giveaway on my first novel, which will be advertised on my newsletter.
Thank you all for being understanding! I want to give you quality books, not rushed stories.